Thursday, July 31, 2008

Shell, recall last argument

This is also very good shell feature, but many times I failed to use. I will encourage myself by posting this. Here we go.

Suppose I created a temp dir, and move to it.

$ pushd .
$ mkdir /tmp/lalala
$ cd /tmp/lalala

The last command can be easily made by, recall by arrow-up, ctrl-A, remove 'mkdir', and type cd. Not bad, but bash has better option.

$ pushd .
$ mkdir /tmp/lalala
$ cd !$

Confused or frowned for another cryptic symbol memorization? That was my first impression. But, actually not. It is very elegant usage.

! is history recall. As we usually do "$ !510" - recall command number 510 in history.
$ is regex. End of line. Then, we can think usage of '!^'.

$ cat a b c d e
$ cat !^
cat a

So, each run will remember previous argv vector, and we can call by placer(^,$).
Another nice feature. I am interested in middle one, like c in previous example.

$ cat a b c d e
$ cat !:3
cat c

Not bad. Here is another interesting one.

$ cat a b c d e
$ cat !:1-
cat a b c d
$ cat !:1-
cat a b c

Popping every argument..
In my opinion, this is a gift from bash for who think before hand. Someone who lavishes meaningless 'ls', like me, wouldn't get benefit. :)


Unknown said...


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Susan - TechnoSnack's Team

Raymond said...

Thanks, but no thanks.