Sunday, October 28, 2007


I found myself writing a lot of documentation from my work. Usually, I write a documentation only on source code. This helps me tracking what I did. I have a request to publish this in clear form to read, not in source code comment level. So, I revise my projects and move documents into HTML form. I remind the first time I came to work here.
Our department did NOT have CMS. No central documentation system. The defense word was, 'we are small.' I didn't bother to start one like tikiwiki. I actually enjoyed not documenting my work :) We have issue tracking system, but it is not used for programming issue. We purchased it long time ago, and I feel very sorry that we are stuck to this.
Back to documenting story, my best option to publish my work was HTML. When I listed number of my projects, gosh it went up to 20. It is still growing. Sure, I worked a lot. :)
I am moving on. I don't know what will be my next job, but excited to relocating to my new place in Atlanta, GA !!!

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